AfCAI 2016 Workshop: Affective Computing and Context Awareness in Ambient Intelligence

Two day workshop was held in Universidad de Murcia, Spain, on 24-25 November 2016

The objective of the workshop is to bring together people interested in research on affective computing, ambient intelligence, and context aware systems We assume goal oriented yet multidisciplinary research approach, including computer science, artificial intelligence, biomedical engineering, and experimental sciences. We consider both fundamental and applied research with participation of companies where possible. We aim at identifying opportunities for cooperation and EU project applications.

The list of the topics include, but is not limited to:

  • affective computing (AfC)
  • ambient intelligence (AmI)
  • context aware systems (CaS)
  • neurobiological approaches for AfC
  • psychological and philosophical models of emotions and affects
  • physiological measurements for affect detection
  • emotive user interfaces
  • neurostethics and affect
  • body sensor networks
  • data mining and knowledge discovery methods for AfC and AmL
  • mobile platforms for context-aware affective systems
  • mixed (virtual/augmented) reality environments for affect generation and acquisition
  • affective computer games
  • AfC challenges for HCI (human computer interaction)
  • gamification of AfC experiments
  • smart cities applications of AfC


  • Maria Trinidad Herrero Ezquerro, Universidad de Murcia
  • Grzegorz J. Nalepa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University
  • José Tomás Palma Méndez, Universidad de Murcia

Programme Committee (tentative)

  • Piotr Augustyniak, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
  • Fabio Babiloni, Università di Roma, Sapienza,
  • Joachim Baumeister, denkbares GmbH, Universitat Wuerzburg, Gemany
  • David Camacho, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
  • Maria Trinidad Herrero Ezquerro, Universidad de Murcia
  • Jason Jung, Chung Ang University, South Korea
  • Grzegorz J. Nalepa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University
  • Paulo Novais, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
  • Andreas Nauerz, IBM Research & Development, Germany
  • José Tomás Palma Méndez, Universidad de Murcia
  • Adrian Paschke, Freie Universitat Berlin, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
  • Arianna Trettel, Brainsigns, Italy

Before the workshop extended abstracts of the talks are expected. The objective is to be able to select and align topics. Please use the Easychair site provided

Extended abstracts will be considered for publication with CEUR WS. A post workshop publication in a JCR journal of selected papers based on the talks given during the workshop and the discussion is planned.

November 24th, 2016:

  • AfCAI systems: Affective Computing with Context Awareness for Ambient Intelligence. Research proposal. Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Krzysztof Kutt, Szymon Bobek, Mateusz Z. Lepicki
  • Requirements of Affective Information Systems in the Industrial Domain. Joachim Baumeister
  • Affective Character Network for Understanding Plots of Narrative Contents. O-Joun Lee, Jason Jung
  • Games Technology and Design. Serious Games, Virtual Reality, and Emotive Interfaces. Paweł Węgrzyn, Jan Argasinski
  • Affective Computing Experiments in Virtual Reality with Wearable Sensors. Methodological considerations and preliminary results. Grzegorz J Nalepa, Jan K. Argasinski, Krzysztof Kutt, Pawel Wegrzyn, Szymon Bobek, Mateusz Łępicki
  • De los insectos y las aves a la supercomputación. David Camacho

November 25th, 2016

  • RiskTrack: a new approach for risk assessment on radicalisation based on social media data. David Camacho, Antonio González-Pardo, Álvaro Ortigosa, Irene Gilpérez-López, Carlota Urruela
  • Affective Patterns for Serious Games and Simulations. Jan Argasinski, Pawel Wegrzyn. Jagiellonian Univeristy, Krakow, Poland
  • SAVE IT: Saving the dream of a grassroots sport based on values. Raquel Menéndez-Ferreira, Melchor Gómez, David Camacho
  • Quantifying Attention in Computer-based Tasks. Davide Carneiro, Dalila Duraes, Paulo Novais
  • Emotions Detection on an Ambient Intelligent System Using Wearable Devices. Ângelo Costa, Jaime Andrés Rincón Arango, Carlos Carrascosa, Vicente Julián, Paulo Novais
  • Affective Computing and Olfactive behavioural testing in human. María-Trinidad Herrero, José Tomás Palma, Ignacio Mascarell, Hugo Álvarez Chaves
  • Using Scanpath Analysis for Affects Detection inn Computer Users. Piotr Augustyniak
  • pub/afcai2016workshop.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/08/16 09:12
  • by gjn